How To Spot A Fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag. The most searched and sold Louis Vuitton bag is Louis Vuitton Neverfull. It’s so adorable that thousands of replicas were created to satisfy people who can’t afford the price of the original one. To spot the difference between them, today I’m talking about things you need to know before buying a Louis Vuitton bag because a lot of people have bought replicas instead of an authentic one.

How To Spot A Fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag


1. Symmetry in Monogram Pattern:

An authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag showcases perfect symmetry in its monogram pattern. Each side mirrors the other, with the design starting and ending with the same symbol, creating a flawless, continuous image. In counterfeits, the pattern is often misaligned or lacks this perfect symmetry. Compare the pictures below to see how the real and fake bags differ in this critical detail.

Louis Vuitton Neverfull Symmetry in Monogram Pattern

2. Stitching Quality:

Louis Vuitton maintains high precision in its craftsmanship, typically 7-8 stitches per inch on authentic Neverfull bags. Fake bags often miss this detail, showing uneven or fewer stitches. In the images below, you can clearly see the difference between the authentic and fake bags, with the real bag exhibiting consistent, tight stitching that adheres to Louis Vuitton’s standards.

Ensure the images highlight the stitching clearly, focusing on close-ups to showcase the stitch count and consistency.

3. Interior Design Differences:

The interior of a Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag is another key indicator of authenticity. Authentic bags may have a solid-colored base, while replicas often have striped patterns or monogram logos inside the bottom, which are clear signs of a counterfeit. Check the photos below to compare the interior designs of a real Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag versus a fake one.

4. Lettering Differences:

Spotting the differences in the lettering on a Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag can be challenging due to the high quality of counterfeit replicas. Start by examining the “LO” letters—on an authentic bag, the “L” should be exactly half the height of the “O”. Next, check the “TT” in “VUITTON”. The letters should not be touching or sharing the top line. Look at the photos below to see how these letters should appear on an authentic bag.

5. Date Code Authenticity:

Every authentic Louis Vuitton bag has a unique date code. Bags made from the 1990s onward include a code that consists of two letters and four numbers, representing the country and the date of production. For example, if a bag is made in the USA, the code may begin with FC, LA, or SD. In the case of bags made in Spain, like mine (shown in the photo), the code could start with CA, LM, or LO.

6. Spotting a Fake LV Neverfull Dust Bag:

An authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull comes with a high-quality dust bag. Replicas often differ in subtle ways, such as the color, size, material, or writing on the dust bag. If the dust bag feels cheap or the logo looks off, it’s likely a fake. In the photos below, you’ll see the authentic dust bag compared with a replica. Pay close attention to the material quality and details of the lettering.


Image Via : pandorinavuitton Instagram

7. Check the Invoice:

When purchasing a Louis Vuitton bag, always verify the invoice and any authenticity documentation they provide. It’s important to note that Louis Vuitton does not include an authenticity card with their products, so be cautious of sellers who claim otherwise. The invoice, showing proof of purchase from an authorized seller, is one of the most reliable indicators of authenticity. Make sure to thoroughly inspect this documentation before finalizing your purchase.

Be careful of fake documents.
Here you have a fake one.

8. Hardware Details:

Authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags feature high-quality hardware with specific characteristics. The real hardware is shaped like the letter “D,” has a shiny gold finish, and is sturdy in size. Counterfeit bags often have hardware that appears dull, lightweight, or incorrectly shaped. In the following photos, you’ll see the distinct differences in shape, color, and stitching between a real and fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull. Pay close attention to these details to spot a replica.

A key indicator of authenticity on a Louis Vuitton Neverfull is the D-shaped hardware in front of the inside pocket. Authentic bags have a perfectly shaped “D,” while replicas often get this detail wrong, either with an irregular shape or poor-quality finish. In the photos, you can see how easy it is to spot this difference between a real and fake bag. Always check the hardware carefully, as it’s one of the easiest ways to detect a counterfeit.

Compare real and fake Nervefull bags side-by-side in our detailed images. Spot the differences and make an informed decision before you buy.

Here is a “good replica” but as you can see the change is very notable

The outside hardware of the authentic bag.

9. Strap Differences:

The straps and strings of an authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull are key details to examine. Authentic straps have flawless stitching, high-quality materials, and consistent thickness. Replica bags often have uneven stitching, thinner straps, or inferior material. In the photos below, you can clearly see these differences, helping you easily identify a counterfeit. Pay close attention to the stitching, material quality, and thickness when examining the straps of any Louis Vuitton bag.

10. Inside Pocket Differences:

The inside pocket of an authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag spans the full length from edge to edge, offering ample space and a seamless design. In some replica bags, the inside pocket is noticeably smaller, often covering only half the width of the bag. This is a key difference to look for when determining authenticity. Check the photos below for a clear comparison between the real and fake inside pockets, paying attention to the size and overall structure.

Some bad replicas have completely different kinds of colors, shapes, materials, and sizes so it’s not hard for you to notice that it’s not an authentic bag. Here is an example.

If you want to see an authentic monogram pocket here is a picture of it:

Bag Shape Differences:

While some replicas may come close to mimicking the authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull shape, there are still noticeable differences. Authentic bags have a well-defined structure that maintains their shape over time. In contrast, replicas may lose their form or appear slightly misshapen, especially after use. Below are photos that show the exterior of both the real and fake bags, highlighting subtle yet important differences in their overall shape.

The bottom of the bag
You can easily spot the difference

This was our guide in How To Spot A Fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag. Thank you so much for reading this article. I hope it was helpful to you. If you liked it please leave a comment below with your opinion and questions, we would really appreciate it.