Hello everyone! As a lot of you have asked me about the authenticity of your bags, today, I’m going to help you by showing the date codes of real LV bags. For anything unclear, feel free to ask me here on my blog. The codes are a series of numbers and letters that represent when and which (factory) it was made.

  • 1.Since the early 1980′authentic Louis Vuitton bags have date codes. The code is made of 3 or 4 numbers. The Two first numbers represent the year and the last number(s), the month. Before 1980, no date codes were created by Louis Vuitton. Later this year 3-4 numbers followed by two letters. Like I said, the first Two numbers indicate the Year, the last number/s indicate the Month and the two letters indicate the factory where the bag was made.
  • In this picture, the date code 823 means It’s produced in 1982 (82-Year), in March(3-Month)

    The early to late 1980s, this date stamp (882 V.I.) means that the bag is produced in February(2-Month) 1988 (88-Year), in France (VI)

    2. From 1990-2006 the position of letters changed. The two letters followed by four numbers. The letters represent the Factory, the first and third number the Month, and the second and fourth number represent the Year.

    In the picture below you can see the date code “AR1004” that would indicate that the bag was made in France in October 2004. AR are the letters that indicate the factory where the bag was made in France, the numbers 1004, first and third number indicate the month (10-October) and the second and last number indicates the year(04-2004)

    3. From 2007 and on, the two letters followed by four numbers. The letters indicate the Factory, the first and third numbers indicate the Week, the second and fourth numbers indicate the Year.

    In the picture below the date code FR1089 means that the factory where the bag was produced is in the USA (by the code FR). The bag is produced in the 18nth week of 2009.

    THE CODE SD1173 means (SD) made in France, in the 17nth week of 2013

    For anyone who is asking ‘How can I know where is it made?’, Below we have shared
    Louis Vuitton Factory Location Codes:
    1- France
    A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS (Special Order), AH, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, BU, DR, DU, DR, DT, CO, CT, CX, ET, FL, LW, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SA, SD, SF, SL, SN, SP, SR, TA, TJ, TH, TN, TR, TS, VI, VX

    2- Germany
    LP, OL

    3- Italy
    BC, BO, CE, FO, MA, NZ, OB, PL, RC, RE, SA, TD

    BC, CA, LO, LB, LM, LW, GI, UB

    DI, FA


    FC, FH, LA, OS, SD, FL