Hello my dear friends. Today’s article is about Gucci Dionysus bag and how to spot the fake Dionysus if you face one. Now, Gucci Dionysus is a structured GG Supreme canvas bag with a tiger head closure. This unique detail is referred to the Greek god Dionysus, who in myth is said to have crossed the river Tigris on a tiger sent to him by Zeus. This Gucci bag has a sliding chain strap that can be worn as a shoulder strap or as a top handle. The antique hardware of the Dionysus Gucci bag is silver toned and it has a pin tiger head closure with side release. The cost of Gucci Dionysus GG small bag is $2,290 and it comes in different sizes, colors, and material. You can find the bag in the official site of Gucci. Here is the link to help you find it easily GUCCI DIONYSUS.
This bag is gorgeous and I love it, but this adoration and the need to have it from everyone and not everyone can afford the price of this bag, so we all know that different companies produce a lot of replicas. As counterfeits are becoming very similar to the real products, today I will help you to understand better the differences between an Authentic Gucci Dionysus bag and a Fake one.
1. The Shape and the Material
The first and easy thing to see is the shape of the Gucci bag. We all know that Gucci house as all luxury brands tend to produce their products in very high quality so they can protect the name of their brand, whereas the fake one is full of flaws. Gucci Dionysus bag comes in different sizes and materials but the differences between the real and the fake are almost the same at every bag. The best way to know if you are facing a fake Gucci bag by material is to touch the product and feel the difference but you also can be very cautious at the details in the pictures below, like the GG logo, the alignment which should be straight in every part of the bag, the color, and the shape between the bags. The real Gucci Dionysus bag is heavy and it looks amazing.
Here is a real Gucci Dionysus bag
2. The Inside
Gucci Dionysus should have the interior zippered compartment and Suede lining with GG Supreme canvas interior in the pockets. In the Replica is not the same quality and you can easily spot the differences, the lining may be plastic, but make sure to focus more on the real Gucci bag, because there are a lot of replicas in different qualities so when you face a fake you will know. Other things you need to see in the inside of the bag is the logo and the zipper but I’m explaining them later to you in this article.
The real one should look like this:
3. The Zipper
The zipper of an authentic Gucci Dionysus bag is perfect, the stitching is regular and the quality is very high, I can’t tell the same thing for the fake one. take a look at the pictures below.
The real zipper of Gucci Dionysus
4. The Stitching
The stitching is one of the most important things when it comes to the authenticity guide. Every luxury brand and Gucci, in this case, can’t make mistakes when it comes to the details or at the stitching of their products. The stitching should be perfect and regular. It is very difficult to find exactly the same stitching as an authentic Gucci Dionysus bag in a Replica. You should see it live to tell the differences later but I hope my photos will help you.
5. The Sides
The sides of the Gucci Dionysus bag are beautiful. When you let your bag anywhere in every side it is amazing, but we can not say the same for the fake one. You can not spot a replica only by looking at the sides, because as I told you they are becoming very similar with the authentic, but looking at all the details in this guide of Gucci authenticity you will reach a good conclusion in how to spot them. Don’t forget, look very carefully the real bag and its details so you prepare your eyes to easily spot every kind of fake product you face. The leather, the lining and the shape of the sides of the Gucci Dionysus bag are some elements that you should spot when you are looking at the sides. Let’s focus at the pictures below.
Some real Gucci Dionysus on the sides.
6. The Back
Sometimes it’s very difficult to find the changes looking at the back of the bag, but if you focus on details such as the stitching, the GG logo, and the alignment you will spot it easily. Some Gucci Dionysus bags have a pocket in the back meanwhile some others don’t have it. If they have the pocket look carefully at the color of the leather, the material and the stitching of the pocket. In the pictures below you will see how regular the Gucci logo is at the real bag and how messy it is in the fake one. Turning the back of your bag you will also spot the differences at the shape of the bag even if this is a little bit difficult and at the bottom of the bag, you will notice the alignment which is straight at the authentic Gucci bag and lopsided in the replica. To understand better look at the pictures below.
The real Gucci Dionysus in the back
7. The Closure
The closure of this type of bag is very particular. The antique silver-toned hardware with a tiger closure is another important detail which will help you spot the fake.
You need to see the tiger head details in the hardware and the color of the metal which is silver-toned and in high quality at the real Gucci bag while as you can see in the pictures below it looks really cheap in the replica. To have a better idea you need to look very carefully at the pictures below so don’t skip any detail of the hardware.
The closure of a real Gucci bag
8. The Logo and Serial Number
As I mentioned in most of my articles, every Gucci bag comes with a serial number. The serial numbers usually are located under the leather tag. In the leather, a tag is written ‘® Gucci Made in Italy’ and the serial number is made from 10 to 12 numbers in two rows with no more than 6 numbers per row. The numbers of the first row show the style number and the numbers in the second row shows the supplier code, the factory where the product was manufactured. Sometimes these numbers may change because of the year production or the type of the product. In the pictures, you can see an example of a real and a fake Gucci Dionysus logo tag and serial number.
9. Chain Handle
Gucci Dionysus has a very particular chain handle, and as I mentioned before this bag is very heavy and this thanks to the chain. The material of the chain and the color of the metal besides other little details that you will notice better in the photos, are the main differences you need to spot while facing a real and a replica Gucci bag.
The chain handle in the Real Gucci bag
The differences between the real and a fake Gucci Dionysus Chain handle
10. The Box and Dust bag
The Box and The dust bag I explained so many times, so the box should have the logo ‘Gucci’ and so do the dust bag. The material, color and the shape of the writing are details that you should not avoid.
The real Gucci Dionysus bags
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